MUFON is an all-volunteer, non-profit 501(c)3 charitable corporation and the world's oldest and largest civilian UFO investigation & research organisation. Its goal is to be the inquisitive minds' refuge seeking answers to that most ancient question, "Are we alone in the universe?" The answer very simply is NO. Whether you have UFO reports to
share, armchair UFO investigator aspirations, or want to train and join our investigation team, MUFON is here for you. Won't you please join us in our quest to discover the truth?
Philippe has been investigating in the UFO phenomenon for more than 30 years and is member of the MUFON. The organisation investigates scientifically all the cases submitted and produces monthly a detailed list by region and
Philippe has been investigating in the UFO phenomenon for more than 30 years and is member of the MUFON. The organisation investigates scientifically all the cases submitted and produces monthly a detailed list by region and
country with the shape of the craft and the kind of encounter. If you are interested visit the MUFON website ( and dont forget to come back to this website.
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